Appliqué - Ebook

Appliqué - Maria Rosaria Nola Bonaccorsi (144 color pages , size 210 x 275 mm). Appliqué for everyone. An excellent manual for beginners to achieve the first works and also for experts to draw new inspiration. Different methods illustrated step by step and as many as 16 projects explained in great detail with pictures. For patchwork teachers, an helpful teaching material.

18,00 €

A book for everyone, experts and beginners. Helpful to approach appliqué choosing more congenial approach among all those illustrated step by step. It impresses with its 16 projects explained and illustrated in detail. Those approaching to the wonderful world of the appliqué will find in this book a great help to realize his first job. Those already experienced will find inspiration among the proposed projects. Who teaches patchwork can use this manual as an helpful teaching material.

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